Friday, December 3, 2021


Friday 3rd December 

In today’s lesson we decided to continued editing our trailer. We ran into some problems with editing our piece in that some of the clips we filmed where too long, especially for producing a trailer. So, we spent time editing and shortening the clips so that it fit to the brief. One of the main objectives we learnt about when researching trailers was to have short/concise, fast clips. To combat this issue/refine our work we decided to speed up certain scenes/clips so that it had a more “trailer feel” to it. We will continue to work our way through the clips and scenes editing, shortening and speeding up clips in order to create a successful, well thought out trailer for the end of our project/this final stage. 

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PROMO PACK BRIEF: Welcome!  Please find Teaser Trailer and Main Trailer , below | Ground Floor TEASER TRAILER MAIN TRAILER MY FILM POSTER Pr...