Wednesday, September 15, 2021



Many trailers are produced at the same time as the film is being edited. The timing of the trailer campaign is important: as it must be shown far enough in the advance to generate excitement about the film’s release, but not too early that people forget about the film before it even comes out. 

Dedicated trailer sites and official film websites often carry trailers that have been cut for a general audience and are suitable for viewers of any age, whereas trailers shown in the cinema usually corresponding to the classification of the film being screened for viewers. 

Trailers in different media
After discussion, from todays lesson, I learnt that the FDA tells us that trailers are shown at the cinema, on TV and online with poster campaigns and radio campgains as well as givng wide coverage for new film releases.

The Teaser Trailer
The teaser trailer is often the first trailer that is released. It tends to be shorter (30-45 seconds worth). It also tends to be less storyline/plot line based than a main trailer is, mainly because there is a lot less time to show a brief storyline. But it is also used to generate excitement, and for audiences/consumers to generate their own theory’s, and storylines before the main trailer is released. Fewer shots are also often not showed on the teaser trailers, mainly because the shots are not finished yet.

The Main Trailer
The main trailer of the film are often, longer than teaser trailer (between 2mins-2:00). A main trailer will give you a much deeper sene of the movie. The main trailer has a three act structure, this means that it has a beginning, middle and end. This will tell a story. The beginning will set the scene, the tone, the characters etc.., the middle will often set up the storyline (who the antagonists are in the film) and finally ending / the third act will have a big montage in it, which are sued to generate excitement for the audience. And inter titles/cards and of the a’list cast and directors will be traced throughout the trailer, to generate recognition of the people who are involved in the making of the film. This tends to be a major selling point, as audiences will recognise major actors and directors, making them want to watch the film. 

TV Spots 
At the very end of the cycle you have TV spots, which are much shorter. In TV Spots, they will expect the audience to have watched the two previous trailers before watching the tv spot. These are not so story focused but more about creating an impression (length 20-30 seconds). It often contains the most exiting lines, or scenes to generate excitement for audiences. 

Using Graphics
Graphics are also used in a trailer. One type of graphic is called copy / copy writing. This helps to tell the story (the cards that come up to help tell the story). The second type of graphics that are used are called pedigree. Examples might include  the studios, Director, writers: Paramount, 20th Century Fox, Universal etc.. And as for directors it will show their other successful movies as well, to show that they have had experience working in the film industry.

Trailers used in the Digital Age
When editors cut a trailer, that is in its first insane may go into a trailer with, surround  sounds or Dolby Atmos, and depending on where the trailer is being shown (cinema, theatre etc..) editors needs to cattier it to the specific locations. For example is it being shown. So if your in a theatre and you in a spaceship the sound will move form behind to in front of you. But the pictures and graphics need to be as crisp, and clear as they could possibly be. The advent of online, social and digital means that you have to think about how the sound will work with different devices. So there will be one in the theatres, which will be surround sound. And one specific to sounds that can be as clear and crisp as it can be, this is called a stereo mix. To make sure sounds affects, dialogues, and music are all clear and easy to correlate with the visuals on screen. Furthermore, there is need for “stackable content” on social media platforms such as Instagram or Twitter. This is a faster way for audiences to gain more content, quickly, on small devices such as phones or computers (this does not need as much time to edit and alter, when posting on these platforms).


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PROMO PACK BRIEF: Welcome!  Please find Teaser Trailer and Main Trailer , below | Ground Floor TEASER TRAILER MAIN TRAILER MY FILM POSTER Pr...