Friday, September 17, 2021



Most trailers are produced at the same time as the film is being edited. The timing of the whole campaign is important as well: the trailer must be show far enough in advance to start to generate excitement about the film’s release, but not too early that people forget about the film before it even comes out. 


Woody attempts to make Forky, a toy, suffering from existential crisis, realise his importance in the life of Bonnie, their owner. However, things become difficult when Gabby Gabby enters their life. This film creates a “buzz” behind the film as many of the same characters are seen on screen as the previous three films (as part of the sequel). There are characters such as: Woody (the central hero) who children will recognise them from previous films, and this will create “buzz” as their favourite characters are on their screens, again. The use of the character Bonnie, has had character development since the first film; from going the the typical damsel in distress, and in the final film she has developed into a strong, independent women/character. This would especially target young girls, as a role model character to look up to. 

Finally the use of the timing of this movie being released has been also creates “buzz.” Toy-Story 4 was released in June 2019, during the summer where the film is set in the summer: with sunset cinematography, summer holiday feel (“you are going to create happy memories,” is mentioned in the trailer and this will resonate with parents who want to make memories and bond with their children over the summer holidays or when their on holiday) and road trips.


Jack, a struggling musician, meets with an accident during a blackout and wakes up to find out that only he remembers The Beatles. Later, he starts singing the band”s songs to gain fame. Yesterday creates buzz by creating a new take on The Beatles, through a altered realityIn the opening scenes, and traced throughout the trailer are festival clips with the main character at the front of the stage with all his fans. The use of the festivals gives the theme/feel of the movie a wholesome summer feel/tone. As festivals are a summer activity that many teenagers, young adults tend to go to and celebrate life. Throughout the trailer there are many guest appearances by hugely famous, recognisable people, such as: Ed Sheeran and James Corden. This creates “buzz” as  they will recognise who these celebrities are, and will create more excitement to watch the film. 


Filmmaker Alison Klayman follows after white nationalist Stephen K. Bannon as he tries to mobilise and unfit far-right side and neo-Nazi factions during the 2018 US midterm elections. The film was released on the 12th of July. The target audience is adults and adults who want to understand what has happened in political history. Audiences may find from the trailer, that they will have a deeper insight and possibly reveal more truth behind the political party and the people involved in the US government. I went to two articles to gain more information about the film, one written by Peter Bradshaw who reviewed  the film. The article was released on The Gaurdian, which is left/centre wing Newspaper Outlet. Peter Bradshaw wrote that “it is not a film that asks tough questions,” but is just offers you evidence, and then the audience can make an informed decision about their political beliefs after watching/gaining all the evidence the film. 

1 comment:

  1. TOY STORY Thoughtful comments but check your copy ("Finally the use of the timing of this movie being released has been also creates “buzz.”)
    YESTERDAY You comment well on the summer festival vibe of the film.
    THE BRINK Reading reviews from The Guardian and The Observer helped us understand the context of the film.


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