Friday, September 10, 2021



I watched the trailers for three films, of which included: VITA AND VIRGINIA, FROZEN 11 and APPOLLO 11.

Trailers are generally aimed at the same audience a the films they publicise. Different types of audiences like different genres of films and whilst everyone is an individual there are particular features that will have a wide/global appeal to specific groups of people. I analysed these three trailers and attempted to match the potential target audience/market to the sections below: 


The first trailer is VITA and Virginia. Virginia Woolf meets fellow author Vita Sackville-West in London in the 1920s. Despite both of them being married, they embark on an affair that later inspired on of Virginia’s novels. Vita and Virginia are situated to ages 25-35 skewed to women. Their primary audience would be women ages 25 to 35, this is because the actors/character played in the trailer seem to look and act around this age, figuring out who they are as a person, their sexuality and independence. I would also suggest that to be more specific the audience would be targeted to young adults/women who are growing up, and becoming more socially aware of feminism and independence. The secondary audience could be targeted towards the LGBTQ+ community, as the main plot line is two married women having an affair in a time where is was socially unacceptable to be in a same sex relationship or marriage. So in this trailer, they are showing the difficulties the characters having to express their true sexuality, and targeting the LGBTQ+ community who could relate to this / or situations like these.      


The second trailer is Frozen 11. Queen Elsa starts hearing a mysterious melodic voice calling to her. Unsettled, she answers it and from then it awakens the elemental spirits that lead her to quest to restore an old injustice. Frozen 2 is aimed towards children, especially young girls. Throughout the trailer their are traces of magical elements; such as the main character Elsa having magical powers to push through the sea. This reflects the young audience, they the production company/business wants to make them believe this is real/true. The main character Elsa, shows her adventurous and powerful side, which suggests that the film could be aimed towards young girls, as it is teaching them to be independent and powerful. However, this could also be aimed as a family-friendly film because this rating is PG and streamed on Disney+ it ensure parents that it is suitable for children, and this film may be streamed as a family rather than just the children. 


The third trailer is APPOLO 11. Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin formed the American crew that landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on the 20th of July, 1969. The primary audience would be those interested in Space or NASA, as throughout the trailer the audience see space shuttles, aircrafts and pilots driving the vehicles. The secondary audience could be ages 25-35 skewed by men, as young adults or children may not fully understand the complexity of space etc.. This helps the film to be more elaborate when filming as they know the target audience will understand what is happening in each scene. It consists of achieved footage, which makes it more realistic for the audience to watch, especially for a trailer where the scenes and clips are shortened. In Apollo’s 11 trailer theres seems to be a problem, solution narrative when watching this trailer. Compared to Gravity where the trailer seems to have an unsettled conclusions, thus making it slightly more confusing for the target audience to watch/understand. 


  1. VITA AND VIRGINIA would also be aimed at audiences who enjoy literature and who are familiar with Woolf's oeuvre. As Vita and Virginia were members of the Bloomsbury set, the film would interest audiences interested in the social history, art and politics of the time. Vita owned Sissinghurst, one of the most renowned gardens in England, so the film would appeal to members of the National Trust and those who like to visit historic houses and gardens.

  2. FROZEN 2 You are right about Disney leveraging the current move towards female empowerment especially that of young girls.

  3. GRAVITY You are right to hone in on the fascination of the documentary footage recording one of the most momentous scientific and technological achievements. The quality of the footage is extraordinary and the 'never before seen' factor fascinates knowledgeable audiences. The film trailer seems to avoid purely nationalist pride with its focus on achievement. Probably 35+


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