Wednesday, November 3, 2021



A target audience is the specific audience group a media text is aimed at. In order to plan my target audience. I would need to have a clear distinction/definition of the age group and sex/gender of who the targeted audience for my film (brand) are. 

I looked to see how other brands defined their specific audiences. The brands I researched and investigated included: Bauer Media, MNE  (New Musical Express) and Empire. By researching these brands it has helped me with my own audience profile. I then continued to complete my own audience profile.

My target audience are ages: 18-40. Skewed slightly more towards male gender. 

1. Who is my primary target audience?

18-40. Skewed slightly more towards male gender. 

2. What kind of films and television are they likely to prefer?

- Actions/Drama Genres 

- Films would include: James Bond 007, Baby Driver, American Sniper and Speed. As they are of similar genre and characters who have lost their jobs and are being looked down at in their workplace by corporate employees who think highly of themselves. Or the films are similar in the sene that the pace and speed are similar. Fast chasing scenes in films like: James Bond and Speed to show suspense and anticipation

3. What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about films?

Our audience would prefer to watch their films on two platforms. Going into the cinema, for example The Everyman. This is because they would most likely be of a similar working life.

4. What brands do they prefer?


The corporate employees, that work within the firm prefer high end designer brands. In contrast to the main character who looses his job, thus making him shop and high street brand names such as: H&M, or Sports Direct


Linked In, Facebook/Meta and Twitter. I/We choose these social media site because many of the characters work in corporate firm, where they will be using promotional, and networking sites to communicate and build relationships with one another. However, the main character in our film does not believe in any of the new up and coming site that these large corporate firms are using. This is a reason why he feels so isolated at work, because nobody has the same view as him. Thus leading to him, eventually leaving the firm because his boss does not see him as does not seem him as a competent, corporate or a team player. He does not attribute to the team but the rest of the cast/corporate employee who are using social media platforms/sites. 

5. What makes my film stand out from the competition?

What makes my film, stand out from the competition is that the main character at fights back and comes back even stronger. He has many people in his life, that do not believe in this ability to be successful in his work or personal life. And at the end of the trailer the audience gets to see this other stronger, brutal side to himself. Where he will prove everyone wrong, and build his empire. 

. Why should my audience watch my film? 

The audience would watch the films at film festivals across the country. For example: Edinburgh Film Festival or The BFI London Film Festival. As well as arthouse cinemas such as Curzon Cinemas or The Everyman.


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PROMO PACK BRIEF: Welcome!  Please find Teaser Trailer and Main Trailer , below | Ground Floor TEASER TRAILER MAIN TRAILER MY FILM POSTER Pr...