Wednesday, November 17, 2021


Risk Assessment for Ground Floor: 3 Main Scenes

First Aid: In order to carry out a safe filming session, off-site we bought with us a first aid kit, that included the basic essentials (badges, plasters etc…) in case either one of us had an injury whilst filming.

Weather: In order to avoid injury from the weather (storms, raining), we checked the weather in the set locations in which we were filming, to avoid injuries and any damage to the camera equipment we were using (Canon Camera, Tripod).

Mode of Transport: Preesha, by car to the first off-site location. Tom, walking to first off-site location. 

Accommodation: No overnight stay (N/A)

Overall Level of Risk For Production: We only risk assessed the three main scene as the majority of our filming took place on-site all in filmed in a safe way. Many of the scenes that were not the running scenes, involved us being at school filming in boardrooms / staff office space or outside on the school grounds where it was safe to do so. The rest of the scenes we filmed, we successful in that everyone on set we’re safe and there was minimal risk involved when filming these particular scenes. 

Scene 1

First Location: 

Off-site Location (Woodland Area)



Hazard to Health and Safety 

Risk Posed and to whom

Control Measure to reduce risk 

Further action needed to reduce risk 


✅ ❌


Via Car & Walking 

Running – tripping hazard 

Group member: Only Tom Bowling 

Practice/Rehearsal takes, before shooting the scene 


Scene 2  

Second Location: 




Hazard to Health and Safety 

Risk Posed and to whom

Control Measure to reduce risk 

Further action needed to reduce risk 


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School (Woodland area in school) 

Running – tripping hazard

Group Member: Tom and Preesha - running with camera danger to equipment and Preesha

Practice/Rehearsal takes, before shooting the scene

Insurance on camera (Camera: Cannon) equipment, if it brakes.


Scene 3 

Third Location: 




Hazard to Health and Safety 

Risk Posed and to whom

Control Measure to reduce risk 

Further action needed to reduce risk 


✅ ❌


School (Board Room)

Spilling of Non-alcoholic drinks


Consumption of Non-alcoholic drinks

Cast Members: Tom, Holly, Eve, Matt S, Arron & Connor 

Put down a cover/table cloth over the casino table to avoid spillages


Informed/told all cast members not to drink any of the beverages during the takes (scenes). 



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