Friday, October 29, 2021


To gather our ideas, we decided to create a mind map of our film ideas we initially had and develop them form their. We used GoodNotes 5 to digitally create this mind map. We separated our our mind map into four different sections including: locations, costumes, props and narrative/plot. This allowed us to separate out the main factors in which we initially needed to think about, and develop from there. This was the first initial stage in the development after conducting research of our Film Trailer. 

Friday, October 15, 2021


In class we watched and revived many trailers in today’s lesson to build on our storyline and take inspiration from these trailers. The trailers we watched included: The Mass of Men (a trailer made by students studying National Film and Television School) and A Quiet Place.

The Mass of Men
What makes its a powerful short film?
Having a USP (unique selling point) makes a powerful short film. As it sets apart the other films that are of similar genre or purpose.  

Which scenes would you pick if you were making the material into a trailer? 
The Mass of Men (dir. Gabriel Gauchet, 2012) inspired us because it deals with an individual who is a victim of social injustice; however hard he tries, society seems to thwart him and he has reached a point of ultimate despair in his life. When he is three minutes late at the employment office, the female official behind the desk talks down him and cuts down his entitlement. She refuses to refund his expenses. He has to swallow his rage and sense of unfairness; he is another ‘little man’ punished by the social machine.


The protagonist then witnesses another applicant who has been pushed so far that he snaps and resorts to revengeful violence; the office video cam catches his furious return to the employment office armed with a nail gun which he uses indiscriminately to wreak violence.


Both characters are symbolic ‘everymen’ who are victims of society. The tagline for the short film is from Henry David Thoreau: “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation”. Several aspects make this short so powerful: the soundtrack is a requiem, suggesting lament , regret and remorse; the protagonist is a good man, but humiliated and victimised through no fault of his own; and in the end, he is ‘turned bad’ by the system as he creeps back into the office after the horror in order to retrieve the paperwork that would betray him.

A Quiet Place
What makes its a powerful short film?
The use of the lighting was very impactful at the end of the trailer - where the light flickered on and off, whilst the female character was screaming in the bath tub. And the end shot switched to a black screen, as a cliff hanger to encourage the audience to watch the full film. 

Which scenes would you pick if you were making the material into a trailer? 
The material I would pick as inspiration for my own trailer would include: the main character’s/protagonist personality and traits. Here in The Mass of Men, he is seen as a “little man” and is punished by the corporate social managers that are above him, thus making him feel small. I would like to embody this energy and personality in the main character where he feels small and worthless even after working so hard in his career. 

Friday, October 8, 2021



Kezia Williams, of Entertainment one UK, on the FutureLearn Film Distribution by the Film Distributors Association, speaks about how film distributors build a “comp list” of comparable films that their target audience would enjoy. 

She highlights the importance of knowing your target audience. She asks questions such as: “what drives them to the cinema” and “what interests  do they have”. She also says distributors will compare data of films that are similar in their genre, unique selling points and story. The target audience and budget is created from what box office take was like with previous films and the types of audience that saw those films. The target audience can be analysed to find a gender gap, and which cinemas the target audience usually frequent. 

The three films that are comparable to the film trailer me and my production team are producing/making include: 


Baby Driver is a 2017action film written and directed by Edgar Wright Somme of the qualities and features of viewers of Baby driver Would attract my target audience by Preesha Patel

Thursday, October 7, 2021



We decided to go and find the best locations to film. From completing a location recce I have made a location recce of the locations. The location recce helps us in the long term so that we both know the exact locations in which we will be filming each scene. The reason we choose this particular location is because there are areas where the trees and woodland area close together. And this especially works for the drone shots we will be shooting here. As well as open areas where the sunlight shines through, for  a mixture of drone footage: for our establishing shot.

Recces include: 

- Outside Locations 

- Inside Locations

- Off-site Locations 

Outside Location Recce

Belvedere / Claremont Fan Court School forest area

Inside/Outside Location Recce
- Changing rooms, outside tennis courts
- Mrs Wells Office (Head Of Year) 

Off-Site Location Recce  
- Woodlend Area - end of Tom’s House 

Wednesday, October 6, 2021


Deadline DECEMBER THIS TERM for all TRAILER making - filming and editing main trailer and teaser trailer

  1. The name of our film: Level Zero
  2. The name of our Production Company and our co-production companies: Ten Pin Productions and PPproductions Preesha P 
  3. The name of the director that will appear in our trailers: Preesha Patel
  4. The name of the 2-3 main actors that will appear in our trailers: Preesha P and Tom B
  5. (Optional)  "From the director of... Criminal Faces 
  6. The names of the film festivals where our film will be screened (more festival names here): Edinburgh Film Festival and London BFI Film Festival
  7. Pull quotes from reviews etc; wording: "gripping, storyline" "stunning cinematography"
  8. Our location recce - take photos and collate in an attractive way + written explanation. Preesha P and Tom B 
  9. Our target audience Tom and Preesha
  10. Social groups and issues in our film... Tom B 
  11. Our props list - photos + stereotypes + clothing Preesha P
  12. Our social media - write down decisions about who is taking responsibility for which platforms Preesha P: Instagram, Tom B: Twitter
  13. Our music - we researched (this type of music) as the background track... and narrowed down our choice to include... Tom B
  14. Our call sheets are being written by Preesha P: off-site/residential shoot Tom: Poker game in school  
  15. Make your storyboard - include.... Preesha P and Tom B shot types and diagrams of what is going to be seen on screen.

  • how you plan to frame shots - identify establishing shot, wide shots, two- shots, three-shots, CUs, ECUs,
  • words of any other inter titles
  • release date - decide on wording 

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PROMO PACK BRIEF: Welcome!  Please find Teaser Trailer and Main Trailer , below | Ground Floor TEASER TRAILER MAIN TRAILER MY FILM POSTER Pr...