Thursday, September 9, 2021



This is the start of my research into trailers, using the FDA Handbook. I have completed online courses, in order to further my understanding of film trailers. 

During my study in my first year of A Level Media Studies, the main topic I studied included: The Film Industry and learning about Hollywood Majors, Low Budget Independent Films and British Films Each film, had created different marketing capmgains to reach and enage their specific audiences (e.g. mainstream, prestige, grassroots). A film’s marketing campgain, will cover many different factors in order for the film’s “message” to reach/present potential audiences. 

1. What do you think are the major elements of a film marketing campaign?

Taking as an example; Captain Marvel. Captain Marvel is a mainstream family audience. Captain Marvel’s film website was a major element its film website. Where the website had a convegent hub (at the top of the page) with convergent links to create an interactive platorm with the audience and the text producer. 

2. Where might you expect to see each of the different parts of the marketing campaign?

You may expect to see different parts of the campgain in cinama, and on television (teaser traielrs, trailers); online websites - with convergent links to other social media networking plaftorms. Social media platforms inlcude: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Other ways in which prodcutions market their films, will be the use of “influencers” promoting the films on their specific platforms and encourgage their fans to watch/stream the films. Interviews, TV chat shows, newspapers, reports and fetures; PDA (posters, fleet media, cinema lobby posters) are all used to create a successful marketing campgain

3. What factors make you want to go and see a film? How do you decide which films to see?

I would say, that the use of influencers and social media would be an important factor to encourage me to go and watch a film. Because I use social media platforms a lot and seeing films on the platforms will persuade me to go an watch/stream them. 

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PROMO PACK BRIEF: Welcome!  Please find Teaser Trailer and Main Trailer , below | Ground Floor TEASER TRAILER MAIN TRAILER MY FILM POSTER Pr...